Thursday, December 3, 2009

NAC 2010 in New Orleans, Louisiana

Kevin Mergen (Prince of Las Vegas) sent in a proposal for the North American Championship 2010 to be in Las Vegas, Nevada to White Wolf/CCP last month, and he received an official letter from White Wolf/CCP today thanking him for his proposal and to let him know that the NAC 2010 will be happening as part of a larger White Wolf Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana in Fall 2010.

This also fits in with the news from this year's International Camarilla Convention (ICC) which took place in Atlanta, Georgia took in November 2009.
"The Gathering in New Orleans. We announced that we’ll be holding a massive convention/meetup for all the fans of our products, whether that’s Mind’s Eye Theatre, oWoD or nWoD, VTES or anything World of Darkness inspired."
You can watch the announcement for the general vampire convention on the White Wolf's YouTube Channel as part of the wrap-up session of the ICC.