Thursday, December 3, 2009

NAC 2010 in New Orleans, Louisiana

Kevin Mergen (Prince of Las Vegas) sent in a proposal for the North American Championship 2010 to be in Las Vegas, Nevada to White Wolf/CCP last month, and he received an official letter from White Wolf/CCP today thanking him for his proposal and to let him know that the NAC 2010 will be happening as part of a larger White Wolf Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana in Fall 2010.

This also fits in with the news from this year's International Camarilla Convention (ICC) which took place in Atlanta, Georgia took in November 2009.
"The Gathering in New Orleans. We announced that we’ll be holding a massive convention/meetup for all the fans of our products, whether that’s Mind’s Eye Theatre, oWoD or nWoD, VTES or anything World of Darkness inspired."
You can watch the announcement for the general vampire convention on the White Wolf's YouTube Channel as part of the wrap-up session of the ICC.

Monday, October 12, 2009

WoN and NAC 2009 Statistics

During the Week of Nightmares and the 2009 North American Continental Championship events, the players were asked to keep track of what turn players were ousted and when the game ended if it was called for time (2 hour rounds).

There is a preliminary spreadsheet available.

Data mining is underway ...

Not all 1st Chance Qualifier events had that noted. There were 9 reports that we had to throw out because they were not complete. We only had a few reports that noted which player # was ousted in which turn.

Out of 142 recorded games..
  • 21 games had ousts on turn 5
  • 48 on or by turn 6
  • 76 on or by turn 7
  • 94 on or by turn 8
  • 111 on or by turn 9
  • 126 on or by turn 10
  • 133 on or by turn 11
If there were no ousts by turn 11, the likelihood of the game timing out with no game win increased dramatically (6 of 9).

If a game was going to time out, it was most likely to happen on turns 12-13-14. (4/6/5 each)

Every game that went more than 20 turns finished (2).
  • 122 games finished in 15 turns or fewer.
  • 73 games finished in 12 turns or fewer (i.e. just more than half).
  • 4 games finished on turn 7 or earlier
  • 10 games finished on turn 8 or earlier
  • 14 games finished on turn 9 or earlier
  • 26 games finished on turn 10 or earlier
  • 48 games finished on turn 11 or earlier
  • 73 games finished on turn 12 or earlier
  • 95 games finished on turn 13 or earlier
  • 107 games finished on turn 14 or earlier
Originally posted by The Lasombra in the VtES Usenet Newsgroup

Friday, October 9, 2009

NAC 2009: VtES T-Shirts

Here are a number of t-shirts as seen during NAC 2009:

Left: Prey is not only to your left, although I haven't heard of an 8 player variant yet.

Right: What discipline is this!?!?

Left: You don't even need a Heart to do this!

Right: Yeah, right ...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 2 NAC 2009: TWD

North American Continental Championship Day 2
Atlanta, Georgia
October 4, 2009
25 players
3R + F

Michael Heyder's Tournament Winning Deck

Deck Name: Laibon Rule the World
Created By: Michael Heyder

Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 23, Max: 36, Avg: 7,58)
3 Batsheva obt pot ANI PRE 6 Guruhi
1 Fish pre ANI POT 5 Guruhi
4 Nana Buruku ANI POT PRE 8 Guruhi
4 Nangila Were obf ser ANI POT PRE 9 Guruhi

Library: (90 cards)
Master (24 cards)
8 Ashur Tablets
1 Channel 10
2 Fame
1 Giant`s Blood
4 Grooming the Protege
1 KRCG News Radio
1 London Evening Star, Tabloid Newspaper
2 Monster
1 Palace Hunting Ground
1 Powerbase: Tshwane
1 Therbold Realty
1 Wall Street Night, Financial Newspaper

Action (14 cards)
6 Enchant Kindred
3 Founders of the Ebony Kingdom
1 Heroic Might
2 Preternatural Strength
2 Well-Marked

Action Modifier (8 cards)
8 Guruhi Are the Land, The

Reaction (13 cards)
2 Cats` Guidance
4 Guard Dogs
2 Instinctive Reaction
1 Lost in Translation
4 Sense the Savage Way

Combat (22 cards)
6 Carrion Crows
7 Immortal Grapple
2 Pack Alpha
3 Taste of Vitae
4 Thrown Sewer Lid

Retainer (4 cards)
4 Raven Spy

Equipment (5 cards)
2 Flak Jacket
1 IR Goggles
2 Leather Jacket

First Chance Qualifier NAC 2009: TWD

First Chance Qualifier 2009
Atlanta, Georgia
October 4, 2009
25 players
3R + F

Erol Öngün's Tournament Winning Deck

Deck Name: Do you mind 1.2
Created By: Erol Öngün

Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 22, Max: 43, Avg: 8,75)
2 Anarch Convert 1 Caitiff
3 Arika aus cel DOM FOR OBF PRE 11 Ventrue
2 Lucinde Alastor obf pot tha DOM FOR PRE 10 Ventrue
3 Marcus Vitel DOM FOR OBF OBT PRE 10 Ventrue
2 Queen Anne aus obf DOM FOR PRE 10 Ventrue

Library: (82 cards)

Master (18 cards)
1 Dark Influences
1 Dreams of the Sphinx
1 Giant`s Blood
4 Heidelberg Castle, Germany
1 Information Highway
1 Pentex Subversion
1 Ventrue Headquarters
5 Villein
3 Wash

Action (11 cards)
1 Entrancement
2 Govern the Unaligned
8 Mind Rape

Action Modifier (25 cards)
2 Elder Impersonation
1 Enkil Cog
3 Faceless Night
3 Forgotten Labyrinth
6 Freak Drive
5 Lost in Crowds
2 Perfect Paragon
3 Voter Captivation

Political Action (10 cards)
1 Ancient Influence
1 Ancilla Empowerment
2 Banishment
4 Parity Shift
1 Political Stranglehold
1 Reins of Power

Reaction (10 cards)
8 Deflection
2 On the Qui Vive

Combat (5 cards)
5 Majesty

Equipment (1 cards)
1 Heart of Nizchetus

Combo (2 cards)
2 Force of Personality

Day 1 NAC 2009: TWD

North American Continental Championship Day 1
Atlanta, Georgia
October 3, 2009
51 players
3R + F

Hugh Angseesing's Tournament Winning Deck

Deck Name : Stick Men
Author : Hugh Angseesing
Description :

Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 3 max: 8 average: 5.75
2x Owain Evans, The Wanderer 8 AUS DOM FOR cel pre !Ventrue:3
2x Blackhorse Tanner 7 AUS DOM FOR !Ventrue:3
2x Neighbor John 5 AUS dom for !Ventrue:4
1x Joseph O'Grady 7 DOM FOR aus cel !Ventrue:3
1x Jefferson Foster 6 AUS DOM for tha bishop !Ventrue:4
1x Jephta Hester 5 DOM FOR aus !Ventrue:4
1x Louis de Maisonneuve 5 FOR aus dom obf !Ventrue:4
1x Lana Butcher 3 dom for Ventrue:3
1x Ulrike Rothbart 3 dom for !Ventrue:4

Library [82 cards]
Action [11]
1x Abbot
10x Govern the Unaligned

Action Modifier [8]
2x Bonding
6x Conditioning

Combat [18]
5x Hidden Strength
5x Indomitability
2x Rolling with the Punches
1x Taste of Vitae
5x Weighted Walking Stick

Equipment [2]
1x Bowl of Convergence
1x Ivory Bow

Event [2]
1x Scourge of the Enochians
1x Uncoiling, The

Master [14]
2x Anarch Troublemaker
2x Blood Doll
1x Channel 10
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x KRCG News Radio
1x Misdirection
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Powerbase: Montreal
2x Vessel
1x Wall Street Night, Financial Newspaper

Reaction [27]
9x Deflection
2x Delaying Tactics
2x Eagle's Sight
2x Enhanced Senses
2x Forced Awakening
2x My Enemy's Enemy
4x On the Qui Vive
1x Telepathic Misdirection
3x Wake with Evening's Freshness

Last Chance Qualifer NAC 2009: TWD

Last Chance Qualifier NAC 2009
Atlanta, Georgia
October 2, 2009
37 players
3R + F

Ferenc Vasadi's Tournament Winning Deck

Deck Name : Ravnos LCQ
Author : Ferenc Vasadi
Description :

Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 2 max: 8 average: 5.25
4x Gabrin 8 ANI CHI dom for Ravnos:2
1x Joaquina Amaya 6 ANI CHI FOR Ravnos:2
1x Vaclav Petalengro 6 ANI CHI for pot Ravnos:2
1x Khalil Ravana 5 CHI ani for pre Ravnos:2
1x Salbatore Bokkengro 4 CHI for pro Ravnos:2
1x Tsigane 3 aus chi Ravnos:2
1x Vedel Esbreno 3 chi for Ravnos:2
1x Sasha Miklos 2 chi Ravnos:2
1x Spleen, Georgio Gutterpunk 2 ani chi Ravnos:2

Library [90 cards]
Action [2]
1x Aranthebes, The Immortal
1x Army of Rats

Action Modifier/Combat [3]
3x Mirror Image

Action/Reaction [9]
9x Draba

Combat [22]
8x Apparition
2x Canine Horde
10x Carrion Crows
1x Mayaparisatya
1x Trap

Equipment [3]
1x Shilmulo Tarot
1x Sniper Rifle
1x Treasured Samadji

Master [15]
2x Blood Doll
1x Kumpania
1x Park Hunting Ground
1x Path of Paradox, The
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Powerbase: Montreal
2x Rack, The
2x Smiling Jack, The Anarch
3x Vessel
1x Week of Nightmares

Reaction [31]
8x Cats' Guidance
5x Deflection
5x Forced Awakening
7x Ignis Fatuus
3x On the Qui Vive
3x Sense the Savage Way

Retainer [5]
1x Mr. Winthrop
4x Raven Spy

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fun Things To Do During NAC

A couple of fun things to do around NAC 2009
  • Playing boardgames all the time as side (main?) events. Yes, Scott, I mean you.
    The favourite was "Battlestar Galactica".

  • Making fun of Hugh's kinky accent.

  • Learning to profiting from other player's mistakes.

  • Learning from my own mistakes (over and over again) ..

  • Playing with players from 9 different countries.

  • Seeing a non-american player win the championship tournament.

  • Seeing Jozyxqk's "artwork" on a painting by Heather Kreiter.

  • Watching americans favourite pastime, playing around other player's defenses, i.e. playing
    "Drawing out the Beast", "Charismatic Aura", "Immortal Grapple", "Hide the Mind", ..

  • Meeting all the other players and playing VtES with them.
Of course a non-exhaustive list .. what did you enjoy besides playing VtES during the Week of Nightmares and NAC? Feel free to comment!!

NAC 2009: Pictures from Day 2

Here are some pictures taken during the Day 2 of the NAC 2009 in Atlanta, Georgia on October 4th, 2009.

Left: Round 1 Table 2

Right: Round 2 Table 4

Left: Round 3 Table 5

Right: Round 3 Table 4

Left: NAC 2009 Final Heads-up (Ferenc)

Right: NAC 2009 Final Heads-up (Michael)

NAC 2009: Pictures from Day 1

Here are some pictures taken during the Day 1 of the NAC 2009 in Atlanta, Georgia on October 3rd, 2009.

Left: Round 3 Table 1

Right: Round 3 Table 2

Left: Round 3 Table 3

Right: Round 3 Table 4

Left: Round 3 Table 6

Right: Round 3 Table 7

Left: Round 3 Table 9

Right: Round 3 Table 9

Left: Round 3 Table 10

Right: The coinflip decision between Ben and Evan for making it to Day 2, which Ben won.

Left: Johannes controlled region with certain "aquisitions" from other players.

Right: John E.'s deck with 'Edgehog.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Results NAC 2009: North American Championship (Day Two)

The results of the VtES North American Championship 2009, which was played on October 2nd-4th, 2009 in Atlanta, Georgia have been disclosed. 25 players played in the final NAC tournament, and the standings in the finals were:
1. Michael Heyder (GER) -- 1 GW 5.5 VP -- 3 VP -- Guruhi Bloat/Combat
2. Ferenc Vasadi (HUN) -- 3 GW 7.5 VP -- 2 VP -- Nosferatu G4/5 Royalty Parity Shift
2. Ruben Feldmann (SUI) -- 3 GW 12 VP -- 0 VP -- Nosferatu G1/2 Royalty Parity Shift
2. Matt Morgan (USA) -- 1 GW 6 VP -- Toreador G1/2 Royalty Parity Shift
2. Hugh Angseesing (UK) -- 1 GW 4.5 VP -- Ventrue antitribu Wall/Bleed
Congratulutions to Michael for winning the NAC 2009. He's first European winning the NAC, and the first "non-native" to win a continental championship.

Results First Chance Qualifier NAC 2009

Here are the results of the NAC First Chance Qualifier 2009, which was played on October 2nd-4th, 2009 in Atlanta, Georgia have been disclosed. 25 players played in the First Chance Qualifier, and the standings in the finals were:
1. Erol Ongun (GER) -- 2 GW 10 VP -- 1.5 VP -- Arika & Friends Mind Rape
2. Ben Peal (USA) -- 1 GW 5.5 VP -- 0.5 VP -- MidCap Animalism Combat
2. Jeff Brendon (USA) -- 3 GW 7.5 VP -- 0.5 VP -- Old School Toreador
2. Aaron Clark (USA) -- 1 GW 4 VP -- 0.5 VP -- Tremere Toolbox
2. Bill Troxley (USA) -- 1 GW 3.5 VP -- 0 VP -- Weenie Ally
Congratulations to Erol for winning the FCQ.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

NAC: More Pictures from Day 2 Finals

More pictures from the Day 2 & FCQ finals:

Left: The playarea of Day 2 final approx. one hour into the game.

Right: The playarea of the FCQ final approx. 1.5 hour into the game.

NAC: Pictures from Day 2 Final

Pictures from the NAC Day 2 finals:

Left: Final Table NAC Day 2 Tournament.

Right: Play area of the final table of Day 2.

Left: Final of the FCQ tournament.

Right: Playarea of the FCQ tournament.

NAC 2009: Final of FCQ has started

The final of the First Chance Qualifer of the North American VtES Championship 2009 has started 15 minutes ago. The participants are:
Ben Peal (USA) -- 1 GW 5.5 VP -- MidCap Animalism Combat
Jeff Brendon (USA) -- 3 GW 7.5 VP -- Old School Toreador
Erol Ongun (GER) -- 2 GW 10 VP -- Arika & Friends Mind Rape
Bill Troxley (USA) -- 1 GW 3.5 VP -- Weenie Ally
Aaron Clark (USA) -- 1 GW 4 VP -- Tremere Wall
The seating is Aaron --> Erol --> Bill --> Ben --> Jeff

More to come ..

NAC 2009: Final of Day 2 Starting

The final of the Day 2 of the North American VtES Championship 2009 starts right now. The participants are:
Ruben Feldmann (SUI) -- 3 GW 12 VP -- Nosferatu G1/2 Royalty Parity Shift
Ferenc Vasadi (HUN) -- 3 GW 7.5 VP -- Nosferatu G4/5 Royalty Parity Shift
Matt Morgan (USA) -- 1 GW 6 VP -- Toreador G1/2 Royalty Parity Shift
Michael Heyder (GER) -- 1 GW 5.5 VP -- Guruhi Bloat/Combat
Hugh Angseesing (UK) -- 1 GW 4.5 VP -- Ventrue antitribu Wall/Bleed
The seating is Michael --> Hugh --> Ferenc --> Ruben --> Matt with Michael as starting player.

More to come!

NAC: Attendance of Foreign Players

The following nations (beside the Americans) showed up during the Week of Nightmares and NAC 2009:
  • 2 Australian players (one living in the US)
  • 1 British player
  • 6 Danish players
  • 5 German players
  • 3 Hungarian players
  • 1 Mexican player
  • 1 Swedish player
  • 1 Swiss player

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Results NAC 2009: North American Championship (Day One)

Here are the results of the Day One tournament of the VtES North American Championship 2009, which is played on October 2nd-4th, 2009 in Atlanta, Georgia. The qualifier for the NAC finals have been finished on Saturday, with 51 players playing in this tournament of which 25 qualified for the finals. The standings of the final round were as follows:
1. Hugh Angseesing (UK) -- 2 GW 8 VP -- 1.5 VP -- Ventrue antitribu Wall/Bleed
2. Michael Heyder (GER) -- 2 GW 8 VP -- 1.5 VP -- Lasombra Old School HighCap Vote/Bleed
2. Ferenc Vasadi (HUN) -- 2 GW 6 VP -- 0.5 VP -- Neo-Tremere HighCap Toolbox feat. Ani
2. Robyn Tatu (USA) -- 2 GW 9 VP -- 0 VP -- Lasombra Mid Cap Bleed w/ Black Hand Tech
2. Ruben Feldmann (SUI) -- 2 GW 9 VP -- 0 VP -- Pander Vote
Congratulations to Hugh for winning the Day One tournament.

NAC 2009: Pictures from Day 1 Final

Here are the decks from the Day 1 Final:

Left: Player 1: Ruben's Pander Vote

Right: Player 2: Ferenc's Tremere Toolbox

Left: Player 3: Hugh's Ventrue antitribu Bruise & Bleed

Right: Player 5: Michael's Lasombra Old School Vote

Left: Player 4: Robyn's Lasombra S&B

NAC 2009: Pictures from Day 1 Final

Here's the first picture from the ongoing final of Day 1 of the North American Championship 2009:

NAC 2009: Final of Day 1 Starting

The final of the Day 1 of the North American VtES Championship 2009 starts right now. The participants are:
Robyn Tatu (USA) -- 2 GW 9 VP -- Lasombra Mid Cap Bleed w/ Black Hand Tech
Ruben Feldmann (SUI) -- 2 GW 9 VP -- Pander Vote
Hugh Angseesing (UK) -- 2 GW 8 VP -- Lasombra Old School HighCap Vote/Bleed
Michael Heyder (GER) -- 2 GW 8 VP -- Guruhi Bloat/Combat
Ferenc Vasadi (HUN) -- 2 GW 6 VP -- Neo-Tremere HighCap Toolbox feat. Ani
The seating is Hugh --> Robyn --> Michael --> Ruben --> Ferenc with Ruben as starting player.

More to come!

NAC 2009: Ongoing Day 1 Tournament

Currently the second round of the Day 1 tournament of the North American VtES Championship 2009 with 51 players is being played.

The metagame is very aggressive, for example all but one game (of eleven games total) of the first round were finished after 90 minutes. Decks played include a large number of bleed decks of all kind like multiple Dementation Bleed decks, Weenie Presence decks, Gangrel PermaBleed as well as aggressive Vote decks mainly with Camarilla titles and votes (Parity Shift) are played.

The last prelimary round then starts in a couple of minutes ..

NAC 2009: Pictures from the LCQ

Here are some pictures taken during the LCQ of the NAC 2009 in Atlanta, Georgia:

Left: Round 3 of the LCQ.

Right: Michael trying to talk his way out of the weenie hordes of Rodd & Evan in roudn3 of the LCQ.

Left: Argument between the players in round 3 of the LCQ on table 4.

Right: Final table of the LCQ with Nick, Michael, Erol, Ferenc and Bill (left, then clockwise)

Left: Bill's play area with 26 pool and 4 minions after he had quickly ousted Nick.

Right: The play areas of Michael, Erol and Ferenc at the same time.

Left: The final of the draft tournament (that took place parallel to the LCQ).

Right: Players already started casual VtES games when finals were played.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Results North American Championship 2009: Last Chance Qualifier

On October 2nd, 2009 the Last Chance Qualifier (LCQ) during the North American VtES Championship 2009 was played in Atlanta, Georgia with 37 players attending. Of those the first 33% (13%) qualified for the actual North American VtES Championship on the following two days, if not already qualified. In fact 4 players actually got the qualification they lacked before. The results of the tournament after 3 rounds and final looked like this:
1. Ferenc Vasadi (HUN) -- 3 GW 8 VP -- 3 VP -- Ravnos Wall feat. Gabrin
2. Bill Troxel (USA) -- 2 GW 9 VP -- 2 VP -- !Malk/Malk Dive into Madness Bleed
2. Erol Ongun (GER) -- 1 GW 6.5 VP -- 0 VP -- Stanislava & Friends Vote & Bloat
2. Nick Miller (AUS) -- 1 GW 5 VP -- 0 VP -- Ravnos ..
2. Michael Heyder (GER) -- 1 GW 4.5 VP -- 0 VP -- Guruhi Bruise & Bleed
Congratulations to Ferenc for his win of the NAC LCQ 2009. The deck's performance was quite impressive, gaining all four possible GWs of the tournament.

Results Draft Tournament "Ghoul Messenger"

Here are the results of the draft tournament (named "Ghoul Messenger") that took place (parallel to the LCQ) during the Week of Nightmares on 02/Oct/2009 in Atlanta, Georgia. With 15 players participating in the tournament after2 rounds and a final:
1. Hugh Angseesing (UK) -- 1 GW 4 VP -- 3 VP
2. Andreas Nusser (GER) -- 1 GW 3,5 VP -- 2 VP
2. Matthew Morgan (USA) -- 2 GW 7 VP -- 0 VP
2. Matthew Hirsch (USA) -- 1 GW 4 VP -- 0 VP
2. Mattias Kallenberg (USA) -- 1 GW 4 VP -- 0 VP
Congratulations to Hugh for winning the draft tournament. In the draft tournament four Keepers of Tradition and 3 VtES Boosters were used.

CCP/White Wolf Tour during WoN

Later on 01/Oct/2009 (before the draft tournament) about two dozen of the Week of Nightmare participants made trip to the CCP/White Wolf office that is located outside of Atlanta, Georgia. The visit included a tour through the office building and later a barbecue in/outside of the kitchen.

Left: Greg from CCP Marketing was our guide for the tour of the CCP office in Atlanta, Georgia.

Right: Greg explaining the inner workings and non-existent projects of CCP.

Left: The awards/trophy showcase (some for EVE Online; some for White Wolf products).

Right: Print sheet of the Camarilla expansion.

Left: Storeroom & recreational area in the office building.

Right: Team Germany during the barbecue session with honorary team member Matt from Washington, D.C.