Sunday, October 4, 2009

NAC 2009: Final of FCQ has started

The final of the First Chance Qualifer of the North American VtES Championship 2009 has started 15 minutes ago. The participants are:
Ben Peal (USA) -- 1 GW 5.5 VP -- MidCap Animalism Combat
Jeff Brendon (USA) -- 3 GW 7.5 VP -- Old School Toreador
Erol Ongun (GER) -- 2 GW 10 VP -- Arika & Friends Mind Rape
Bill Troxley (USA) -- 1 GW 3.5 VP -- Weenie Ally
Aaron Clark (USA) -- 1 GW 4 VP -- Tremere Wall
The seating is Aaron --> Erol --> Bill --> Ben --> Jeff

More to come ..


  1. Wouldn't you normally abreviate the First Chance Qualifier as "FCQ" rather than "LCQ"?
